utils.py Project

Documentation Status

This utils.py project aims to be a helper tool to automate repetitive data analysis tasks, perform predictions and optimizations that are computationally expensive, and play games. This documentation comprises of deployment documentation and code documentation.

The web application can be found here.

File Structure

This project aims to follow software engineering best practices and has the following file structure. There are many other ways to structure your codes, but I find this implementation easiest for me.

├── assets
│   ├── default_css.css
│   └── etc (other .css, .ico, .png, .svg files)
├── callbacks
│   ├── callbacks.py
│   ├── trip_planner.py
│   └── etc (other callback .py files for each tab)
├── components
│   ├── helper.py
│   ├── trip_planner.py
│   └── etc (other python classes .py files)
├── data
│   ├── model.pkl
│   └── etc (other .pkl/.xlsx data files)
├── docs
│   ├── build
│   ├── source
│   ├── make.bat
│   └── Makefile
├── layouts
│   ├── articles.py
│   └── etc (other layout .py files for each tab)
├── tests
├── app.py
├── pyproject.toml
├── requirements.txt
└── routes.py

Project’s file structure has the following dependency diagram

Dependency Diagram

Deployment Documentation


Changelog of utils.py Project

Creating Virtual Environment

Instructions on how to create a virtual environment

Creating Dash Application

Code snippets on how to create a Dash application

Code Documentation

Change Calculator

List of functions for Change Calculator tab

Chat Analyzer

List of functions for Chat Analyzer tab

Event Planner

List of functions for Event Planner tab


List of helper functions

MBTI Personality Test

List of functions for MBTI Personality Test tab

Random Generator

List of functions for Random Generator tab

Live Trading

List of functions for Live Trading tab

Trip Planner

List of functions for Trip Planner tab

We’re Not Really Strangers

List of functions for WNRS tab

Indices and tables